The Best Investment on Earth is EARTH.

Group of active investors committed to fast-tracking wealth accumulation by adding value to properties.

Our Stats

In land
$ 0 B

0 +years
0 +

What we do

The Valor Group is a vertically integrated enterprise that provides end to end service in property development and investment sector. As active investors, our primary goal is to enhance the value of properties and generate equity to foster swift expansion. Our core business is adding value to property.

Our offerings encompass various services such as land acquisitions which involve thorough market research, meticulous due diligence, strategic deal structuring and staged exit strategies. Moreover, we provide project management and project marketing services. Through a strategic alliance with Australia’s extensive property network, TVG has forged partnerships that enables us to achieve exceptionally profitable results by employing innovative methods and harnessing the expertise of top-tier professionals.


What We Offer

Land Acquisitions

True profit lies in the skill of purchasing rather than selling. That's why acquisitions form the core of our business, embodying its essence.

Project Management

Achieve unparalleled results in your development endeavours by partnering with our esteemed team of professionals.

Project Marketing

Join our extensive network of channel partners to ensure a successful and risk-free development project.

Bulk Buy
or Sell

Join our exclusive network of wholesale investors and professionals today to fast-track pre-sales and de-risk your projects.


Our Story

Our journey as active investors commenced in 2013 with the selection of off the plan retail lots, the construction of duplexes and single dwellings, and the subsequent resale for profit. Over time, we integrated into a community of builders and developers, acting as a conduit for providing land to volume home builders for Home & Land Packages. This led to the establishment of our reputation as a go-to resource for builders in need of land. Through the formation of strategic partnerships with other property professionals, we began assisting their
clients in generating equity through the bulk purchase of land on option and collaboration with various builders on a wholesale basis. Presently, we engage with major property developers, investment firms, and syndicates, aiding them in acquiring off-market land and executing staged exit strategies by leveraging our expertise and network of professionals.

Do you think your property has Development Potential?

Sell Directly with VALOR and benefit:

Click below to see if your property qualifies!

VALOR Approach

With a wealth of experience and a track record of successfully negotiating deals worth over $1.5 billion, we have come to appreciate the uniqueness of every property transaction and the individual needs that accompany them.
We have also recognized that the concept of value can differ significantly from one person to another, influenced by sentimental attachments or emotional biases.
Our passion lies in creating value. Rather than adopting a value-claiming negotiation style, we firmly believe in and advocate for a value-creating approach that allows all parties involved to thrive. Our approach is straightforward and transparent. We prioritize understanding the underlying needs and motivations, striving to foster an environment where both parties can collaborate and achieve a win-win outcome.

Are you an Investor or a Property Professional?

Find out how you can be a part of The VALOR Family to expedite your growth by leveraging the network and expertise of top-tired and passionate property professionals actively working together to find development and/or investment opportunities where we can force massive value to accelerate our wealth building journey

Our Partners

Contact Us

Suite 1005, 31 Lasso Road Gregory Hills NSW 2557

Get in touch